adidas Originals and Ajax celebrate 50th anniversary of 70’s Europa Cup trilogy

Adidas Trilogie 1920
Adidas Trilogie 1920

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the three back-to-back Europa Cup I wins in 1971, 1972 and 1973, adidas and Ajax proudly present a 70’s inspired adidas Originals collection. The legendary 70’s Ajax team began their march towards greatness with a revolutionary style of football that still influences the sport five decades on.


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Inspired by the club's enduring legacy, the Ajax x adidas Originals collection nods to the history-defining era with archival design references and vintage details. The collection features a football jersey, tracksuit, quarter zip top, two t-shirts and Samba footwear.

Hero piece of the apparel collection is the ‘bring back’ football jersey, in iconic white/red/white, made with time authentic materials and featuring the oversized version of the historical Ajax crest in the middle of the jersey, as typical for that era. All other articles feature the adidas Originals logo, the historical Ajax crest and Amsterdam’s three St. Andrews crosses.

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Limited edition footwear
The crème-based Samba features red as secondary color, as well as black and gold details, and the outsole that defines a Samba. Details include the adidas Originals logo and historical Ajax crest on the tongue of the shoe, in reverse order on both tongues. It also features Amsterdam’s St. Andrews crosses on the heel tab, key parts of the club anthem on the sock liner and the coordinates of former Ajax stadium ‘De Meer’ on the right collar lining of the shoe.

The apparel collection is available in the club’s retail channels, adidas retail channels and at selected football and fashion retailers around the world. The Samba is exclusively available on and

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