Godts and Jermoumi unavailable for extended period


Mika Godts and Diyae Jermoumi are unavailable for an extended period. Godts ended the Ajax U23 away match against FC Den Bosch with an injury and will be on the sidelines in the coming months. Jermoumi will be out until spring due to a knee injury.


  • #Godts
  • #Jermoumi


Godts (18) played the entire match on behalf of Ajax U23 in Den Bosch and secured one point for Ajax by scoring a penalty shortly before full-time: 3-3. Examination has shown that Godts has suffered a thigh injury, leaving him unavailable for now. The Belgian played twelve matches and scored six goals for Ajax U23 in the Keuken Kampioen Division. He also played five matches in the Eredivisie as a substitute.

Jermoumi (19) played ten matches for Ajax U23 this season, the last being against NAC Breda on November 10. The defender had surgery on his knee on Monday and will focus on his recovery now.

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